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Recent real estate video statistics will surprise even the most seasoned photographers, brokers, and sales agents.

Real estate videos enhance your ability to present a listing’s best selling points and share them with a wide range of buyers.

Google is the most popular and used search engine in the world. Guess what is the second most popular search engine? YouTube. 

This statistic alone underscores the importance of video marketing in any industry, especially real estate. 

So, with that in mind, here are 25+ real estate video marketing statistics that every real estate photographer and sales professional needs to know.

25+ Real Estate Video Statistics

Real estate video tours are an essential sales tool in an industry where visual content is critical. Visuals have revolutionized the way prospective buyers search for and experience properties. 

Furthermore, the statistics are clear—video marketing for real estate works. Let’s take a look at 25+ mind-blowing real estate video statistics.

1. General Results of Video Marketing

real estate video statistics

Overall, video is an essential and effective marketing tool, as the following survey results show:

  • More than 50% of US adults have taken a video tour
  • On average, a person watches 19 hours of videos online per week
  • 44% of people are more likely to purchase a product after seeing a video about it

In particular, video marketing works well on social media:

  • Videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than those with images and text combined
  • Overall, YouTube 88% is the most popular platform for sharing videos, followed by Facebook 76%, LinkedIn 66%, and Instagram 65%

Again and again, statistics show that video remains a powerful sales tool:

  • 95% of a message is remembered when seen in a video, compared to only 10% recall when read in text
  • Marketers who use video receive 66% more leads than those who don’t
  • 75% of experienced marketers say video has a more substantial ROI than photos alone

2. Sales Agents Use of Real Estate Videos

real estate video statistics

Next, let’s take a look at some numbers concerning real estate sales agent’s use of video when marketing listings:

  • The most recent survey from the National Association of REALTORS® showed that only 38% of agents use video 
  • Another estimate claims only 9% of agents create listing videos
  • 10% of recent home sellers claim that their agents used video to market their property

Of the brokers and agents who do use real estate videos, about 80% of active listing agents rely on drone videography to market their listings

Given those numbers, does real estate video marketing help with property sales? Yes, they do: Brokers and sales agents who use video grew sales 49% faster than those who don’t

Next, let’s see what buyers think about real estate videos. 

3. Buyers’ Attitudes Toward Real Estate Videos

Buyers’ Attitudes Toward Real Estate Videos

Real estate video statistics show that buyers appreciate and expect to see video marketing during their home search:

  • 51% of home buyers rely on YouTube to help them with their home search
  • Potential buyers spend 5-10 times longer on websites with a video tour than those without
  • 58% of buyers expect to see video tours on all listings
  • 86% of home shoppers use video to learn more about a specific community

Well, it’s clear that buyers value real estate videos when searching for a home. What about sellers?

4. Sellers’ Opinions

real estate video statistics

According to real estate video statistics, buyers aren’t the only people who appreciate videos; sellers like them, too:

  • 73% of homeowners prefer working with agents who use videos for their marketing
  • 85% of sellers expect a real estate video as part of their home’s marketing efforts
  • 25% of home sellers prefer to work with a real estate agent that uses virtual tours for marketing their houses

Buyers and sellers both benefit from real estate videos. Now, let’s examine some statistics on real estate video effectiveness in marketing listings.

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Real Estate Video Editing

If you thought photo editing took time... we're here to help.

5. Overall Marketing Benefits

Overall Marketing Benefits

Just in case you aren’t convinced yet, here’s one last group of real estate video statistics demonstrating their effectiveness:

  • Real estate listings that include at least one video get 400% more inquiries
  • Century 21 increased its home sales rate by 20% after running a video campaign on social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube
  • Zillow reports that real estate video tours help listings 14% faster than listings without one

Drone real estate videos appear to be highly advantageous when it comes to selling real estate:

  • Listings that leverage drone videos sell, on average, 68% faster than those without it
  • More than 20% of commercial drone video shoots are now done for or related to a real estate goal

If you want to explore aerial photography, read more about 5 tips to becoming a great drone photographer.

To add even more evidence of their benefits, here are three final real estate video statistics:

  • Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs, making it a powerful tool for real estate property marketing
  • Sales agents using listing videos received more than 4X the average number of leads 
  • Agents receive 403% more inquiries if they use video marketing

Now that we’ve made the case for the value of real estate videos when marketing listings, let’s share 9 tips on creating one. 

9 Tips for Creating Real Estate Video Tours 

As the statistics show, there are many benefits to real estate video tours, including the following:

  • Real estate video tours allow agents to reach a larger pool of potential buyers
  • Video tours allow sales agents to create a compelling narrative about a listing and the property’s selling points
  • Additionally, buyers love video tours because they provide them with additional information to decide if they want to see the property

Harnessing the power of real estate video marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of 9 tips on creating a successful real estate video.

1. Quality is crucial – a high-quality video showcases the property in its best light while reflecting positively on the agent’s professionalism.

2. Planning makes perfect – write out the content of the video tour, including where you’ll start and all the scenes you wish to capture.

3. Sell more than the property – real estate videographers must think beyond selling the property itself. Location, lifestyle, and nearby amenities matter to buyers as well. 

4. Stage before filming – carefully preparing the property can create a welcoming atmosphere that resonates with potential buyers.

5. Don’t forget about lighting – ensure each room is well-lit to highlight its features and details.

6. Use the video to tell a story – narration can bring the property to life, giving potential buyers a valuable understanding of its unique qualities.

7.  Background music helps – enhance the video’s feel with carefully selected background music matching the desired tone and mood.

8. Include your information – ensure your contact information is prominently displayed at the beginning and end of every video.

9. Have a strong call-to-action – make it clear that the viewer should schedule a showing now.

Here’s further information on how to create a real estate walk-through video.

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Real Estate Video Editing

If you thought photo editing took time... we're here to help.

Use PhotoUp for Excellent Real Estate Videos

Editing your real estate video is essential for professional-grade results. You must ensure the final cut is smooth, coherent, and engaging. 

PhotoUp’s expert real estate video editing includes:

  • Clip review, trimming, and arrangement
  • Adding your business logo, an intro, and an outro
  • Custom titling
  • Also, commercially licensed music for a more professional, finished video

Also, PhotoUp makes it easy to get stunning, professional-grade real estate videos in just 2 simple steps.

1) Upload

Upload your video footage, branding, and audio files to Dropbox, Google Drive, or another delivery link, and include that link along with your order form.

2) Delivery

If uploaded on weekdays and before 9:00 PM on Friday, local time, you’ll have your edited video within 24-36 hours.

The final video will be 2-3 minutes long, delivered in 1080p quality (+10 credits for 4K quality), and available via Dropbox.

PhotoUp Video Editing Service

To see how easy it is to get your videos edited by PhotoUp, check out our video editing demo:

As simple as that!

While PhotoUp shines with real estate photo editing, they’re also a full-service real estate marketing company, providing the most advanced marketing tools, including the following:

So, take a few minutes and explore all that PhotoUp offers. 

Sign up for a free PhotoUp account today. As a bonus, you’ll receive 10 free credits, which you can use on any of our services!

We hope you enjoyed this blog post on 25+ mind-blowing real estate video statistics. If you enjoyed this article helpful, you might want to read some of these related posts:

Gregory Gronbacher

Real Estate Sales Agent / Professional Blogger

Gregory is a real estate sales agent and a state-certified instructor of real estate licensing and law. Originally from New York City, he's called Grand Rapids, Michigan home since 1995.

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