Real estate photography is a critical part of the property marketing process, and a well-organized, efficient photo editing workflow can make all the difference in delivering high-quality images on time. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a complete workflow, starting from organizing your images to applying the best editing techniques to enhance your real estate photos. 

We’ll also cover a solution to help you save valuable time you can use to shoot more properties and grow your business.

Let’s get started!

Best Photo Editing Workflow for Real Estate Photography

Real Estate Photo Editing by PhotoUp
Real Estate Photo Editing by PhotoUp

Here’s a step-by-step photo editing workflow guide to help real estate photographers deliver high-quality images on time, starting with the basics of organizing your property photos.

1. Organizing Images Into Property Folders

best photo editing workflow for real estate photography

The first step in your real estate photo editing workflow is to organize your images. A well-structured organization system will save you time and reduce the risk of losing files:

  • Create a Master Folder: Start by creating a master folder for each property. Name the folder using the property address or a unique identifier.
  • Subfolders for Each Room or Area: Inside the master folder, create subfolders for different areas of the property, such as “Living Room,” “Kitchen,” “Exterior,” and so forth. This will help you easily locate specific images during editing.
  • Backup: Before moving forward, ensure you have backed up your images to an external drive or cloud storage to prevent data loss.

2. Importing Images Into Lightroom

best photo editing workflow for real estate photography

Adobe Lightroom is a popular tool for managing and editing real estate photos. Here’s how to get started:

  • Launch Lightroom and Create a New Catalog: Open Lightroom and create a new catalog for the property. This will keep your files organized and make it easier to locate specific projects.
  • Import Images: Use the “Import” function in Lightroom to bring your images into the catalog. During import, you can apply basic metadata like keywords, which can be helpful later for searches.
  • Initial Culling: Review your images and select the best shots. Use flags or star ratings to mark images you intend to keep and edit and reject those that are out of focus or poorly composed.

3. Making Basic Adjustments in Lightroom

Once you’ve selected your best images, it’s time to make basic adjustments in Lightroom:

  • White Balance Adjustment: Use the White Balance tool to ensure the colors in your photos are accurate. You can choose presets or manually adjust the temperature and tint sliders.
  • Exposure Correction: Adjust the exposure to ensure the image is neither too dark nor too bright. Use the histogram to guide you in achieving a balanced exposure.
  • Contrast and Clarity: Increase the contrast to make the image pop, and adjust clarity to enhance details. Be cautious with clarity, as too much can make the image look harsh.
  • Lens Corrections: Enable lens correction to fix distortions, chromatic aberration, and vignetting, which are common in real estate photography.
  • Perspective Correction: Use the Transform tool to correct vertical and horizontal lines, ensuring walls and other structures appear straight.

The Real Estate Photography

Business Systems You Need

PhotoUp is the ultimate real estate photographer business platform.

4. Performing Advanced Editing Techniques in Lightroom & Photoshop

After making basic adjustments, you can move on to more advanced editing techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop:

  • HDR Blending: If you’ve shot multiple exposures, use Lightroom’s HDR merge function to blend them. This will help you retain details in both shadows and highlights.
  • Gradient Filters: Use gradient filters to balance exposure in specific areas, such as bright windows or dark corners.
  • Spot Removal: Use the Spot Removal tool to eliminate small imperfections like dust spots or lens flares.
  • Noise Reduction: Apply noise reduction to minimize graininess, especially in low-light areas. Be careful not to overdo it, as excessive noise reduction can result in loss of detail.
  • Sharpening: Enhance the sharpness of your image to make it look crisp and clear. Focus on the edges to avoid introducing noise.

5. Performing Fine-Tuning in Photoshop  

After you’ve completed the majority of your editing, some images may require additional work in Adobe Photoshop to become truly captivating. Here’s how you can refine them:

  • Sky Replacement: If the sky in your images appears dull, use Photoshop’s Sky Replacement tool to insert a more vibrant sky. Choose a sky that matches the overall lighting of the image.
  • Twilight Conversion: Convert daytime images to twilight using blending techniques, which can make the property look more inviting.
  • Decluttering: Remove unwanted objects or distractions from your images using the Clone Stamp or Healing Brush tool.
  • Virtual Staging: Use PhotoUp’s virtual staging service to add furniture and decor to vacant rooms, giving potential buyers a better sense of how the space can be utilized. This can help agents sell a property faster and at a higher price.

6. Exporting and Delivering Your Final Images

best photo editing workflow for real estate photography

Once you’re satisfied with the edits, it’s time to export and deliver the images:

  • Export Settings: In Lightroom, select the images you want to export. Use appropriate export settings, such as a high-resolution JPEG with 300 DPI for print or a lower resolution for web use.
  • File Naming: Rename your files according to the property and room names to keep everything organized.
  • Delivery: Deliver the images via a file-sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive, or through your client portal if you have one.

7. Archiving and Backup

best photo editing workflow for real estate photography

Finally, archive your completed project:

  • Organize Files: Move the final edited images to a separate folder within the master project folder.
  • Backup: Ensure that both the original and edited files are backed up to multiple locations.
  • Catalog Maintenance: Periodically review and clean up your Lightroom catalog to keep it running smoothly.

And that’s it! I hope our rundown of the best photo editing workflow for real estate photography was useful – apply these steps to get to action right away.

Final Thoughts

A streamlined and efficient photo editing workflow is essential for real estate photographers who need to deliver high-quality images quickly. 

By organizing your images, using powerful tools like Lightroom and Photoshop, and applying the right editing techniques, you can enhance your property photos and present homes in their best light.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how real estate photographers can save time and money, and ultimately grow their business by outsourcing their photo editing.

Have You Ever Thought To

Outsource Photo Editing?

Try it today with 10 free edits from three professional photo editors.

How Outsourcing Editing Will Help Grow Your Business  

Outsourcing real estate photo editing to a professional service like PhotoUp can be a game-changer for real estate photographers looking to save time, reduce costs, and scale their business. 

PhotoUp specializes in providing high-quality photo editing services tailored to the needs of real estate professionals. 

By delegating the time-consuming task of editing to experts, photographers can focus on what they do best: capturing stunning images and growing their client base.

1. Get Your Time Back

One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing to PhotoUp is the time savings it offers. 

Editing real estate photos to a professional standard requires a significant investment of time, particularly when dealing with large volumes of images. 

By outsourcing this task, photographers can free up hours of their day, allowing them to book more shoots, attend to client relationships, or simply enjoy a better work-life balance. 

This efficiency is further enhanced by PhotoUp’s fast turnaround times of 12-24 hours, ensuring that photographers can meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality.

2. Save Money

Cost savings are another crucial advantage. Hiring in-house editors or spending hours editing photos personally can be costly and inefficient. 

PhotoUp offers a more cost-effective solution with its range of pricing plans, allowing photographers to choose a package that fits their budget and needs. 

With consistent, high-quality results at a fraction of the cost of in-house editing, photographers can improve their bottom line and reinvest in growing their business.

3. Scale Your Photography Business

Beyond saving time and money, outsourcing to PhotoUp enables photographers to scale their operations. 

As their business grows, so too can their editing needs. 

PhotoUp’s scalable services allow photographers to handle increasing workloads without the need to hire additional staff or invest in expensive software and training. 

This flexibility makes it easier to take on more clients, expand service offerings, and ultimately, grow the business. It’s a win-win situation!

How to Get Started

Getting started with PhotoUp’s real estate photo editing service is quick and easy! You can have your images professionally edited in 5 simple steps:

Step 1. Sign up for a free PhotoUp account.

Step 2. Upload your photos to our software.

Step 3. Choose the level of editing that you need and provide instructions (optional).

Step 4. Wait for PhotoUp professional editors to edit and return the photos in less than 24 hours (48 hours for virtual staging).

Step 5. Download and start using your beautifully edited photos.

PhotoUp Real Estate Photo Editing Uploader Demo

For more information, you can watch our real estate photo editing uploader demo:

It’s really that easy to get beautifully edited photos in less than 24 hours!

So, are you ready to streamline your real estate photography workflow? Click here to get started with PhotoUp and see the difference professional editing can make!

We hope this blog post provided you with the best photo editing workflow for real estate photography and a solution to help grow your business at record speed.

Before you go, you may also want to check out the following resources:

Stina Pettersson

Professional Blogger

Stina is an entrepreneur, digital marketer, and professional blogger who's passionate about real estate photo editing, being outdoors with her pup, and sweaty gym sessions. She loves the written word and has been writing for publications like Forbes and Thrive Global. Originally from Sweden, she's called South Florida her home since 2013.

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